
WOLF Summer Playlist

Check out the WOLF Summer Playlist our users built!

What our users’ say

Here’s a selection of what some of our users had to say about their choices!

“Reminds me of people I met on WOLF”
I heard it while on holiday in Portugal when it was first released, and now I always associate it with travelling and holidays. Always my go to summer tune!
Love the beat. And his voice goes through my veins and bones. (Turn up your speakers)
It’s a song that reminds me of a summer day at the beach, with all those feelings about being a relaxing and happy day

Got a song you want included? Let us know!


  1. ihernan

    Hey pete can u add Robin schulz Prayer in C Is a beatiful song that i used it in the past to edit my pal ani vids 😀

  2. Eris

    Amazing songs!
    Great job on the Playlist. Can’t wait the next one 🙂

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