
Introducing our 2020 Charity Campaign: WOLF AID

Check out what we’re doing for our annual charity campaign and how you can get involved to really make a difference.

Final Update

Thanks to all your amazing generosity, we’ve raised a massive $184,000. WOLF can’t thank everyone enough. You’ve all made a huge difference!

It will come as no surprise to many of us that Covid-19 is having a major impact on the world. With this in mind, the charities we have partnered with this year will have a larger focus on their efforts to help fight this virus. Read on to find out what each charity has planned.



Action Against Hunger

We’re delighted to be once again working with our long-standing charity partner Action Again Hunger.

Action Against Hunger has been dedicated to leading the global fight against hunger for over 40 years. Operating in nearly 50 countries, they help save the lives of children and work with their communities. They constantly search for effective solutions and share their knowledge worldwide to help eradicate global hunger.

Action Against Hunger’s focus this year will be helping prevent the spread of Covid-19 through water and sanitation programs.

Action Against Hunger is already providing vulnerable communities with medical infrastructure and life-saving care in almost 50 countries around the world. Now the charity is expanding their water, sanitation and hygiene work to help prevent the spread of the disease through programmes that teach handwashing and other hygiene practices, which are crucial for preventing the spread of diseases, including coronavirus.

The charity is still continuing with its mission of improving access to clean water by building and repairing water sources. They are also hosting community sessions to teach mothers about handwashing, clean food practices, and safe infant practices. While they will not be directly treating coronavirus cases, they will help identify and refer infected individuals to health centres, and reinforce good hygiene practice to promote behavioural change.

If a state of the art hospital is being overwhelmed, how might a rural health facility with 20 beds and a population in the tens of thousands cope with an outbreak?   
Juliet Parker, Director of Operations at Action Against Hunger UK.  

Save the Children

Save the Children exists to help every child reach their full potential. In the UK and around the world, they make sure children stay safe, healthy and keep learning, so they can become who they want to be.

A Race Against Time

The global COVID-19 pandemic is presenting the world with ever-evolving, unprecedented challenges. How we collectively respond to this unparalleled crisis over the coming weeks is critical to saving countless lives, particularly among the world’s most vulnerable children and families.

Save the Children is a global leader in delivering life-saving interventions to children in need and their families around the globe.  In many of the places Save the Children works, the pandemic’s impacts are exacerbated by limited resources and weak health systems. Countries in conflict, fragile states and refugee/displaced populations face particularly grave risks. Inequalities disproportionately affect marginalized populations, including women, girls, and people with disabilities.

Wherever we work – in schools, refugee camps, or health clinics – our priority is the safety of children. We’re making sure our programmes, particularly in high-risk areas, are ready to respond. It’s also vital that we provide the right messages to communities on how to protect themselves and when to seek help.

“We want to make sure we can keep our essential programmes going – whether that means strengthening infection prevention control in a child-friendly space, making sure health facilities have the right supplies they need in case a coronavirus patient comes in, or making sure that we think about innovative ways to deliver education in emergencies if people are quarantined.” Dr Louisa Baxter, Senior Humanitarian Health Lead

With your support, we can help communities who need it most to work together to save lives and stop the spread of this global pandemic.

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  1. Sama

    To prevent the spread of COVID-19:
    Clean your hands often. Use soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand rub.
    Maintain a safe distance from anyone who is coughing or sneezing.
    Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth.
    Cover your nose and mouth with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
    Stay home if you feel unwell.
    If you have a fever, a cough, and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention. Call in advance.
    Follow the directions of your local health authority.
    Avoiding unneeded visits to medical facilities allows healthcare systems to operate more effectively, therefore protecting you and others.

  2. Hussain

    I wish I can go to the countries that have been effected to help them with WOLF ❤️

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